Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Room For Humanity

The day started like any other, cold shower, soggy toast, luke warm coffee, all the things that reminded me of why I did what I did.
As I punched up through the stratosphere, heading for the LEO waystation known as “Brizillianwax” because of its shiny bald backside that always pointed at the Sun, I wondered for the hundredth time how to break the cycle – work, little pay, Life, too many expenses!
I had enough fuel for one and a half trips, and then that was it – have to sell the rig for what ever I could get, and slink off into the sunset like so many before me.
The commercial Space market had offered so much promise at the start, big NASA contracts, satellite launches worth millions, in-orbit repair and maintenance, the outer worlds were our oyster!
Then some twelve year old had invented the Space elevator, and suddenly getting stuff up and down cost less than a $1 a pound, and all us “early adopters” who had mortgaged ourselves to the hilt buying reusable rockets and space vehicles were faced with a continual discount race just to stay alive.
This trip was a classic example – SMS in the middle of the night, open contract, 5 minutes to bid, lowest bid wins, no guarantee of anything other than a full load back down and payment on survival.
As the rocket motors cut off, and weightlessness settled into the cramped cockpit like a foggy blanket, I searched the near sky for anything radiating in any bandwidth.
One of the joys of Low Earth Orbit flying was the sheer volume of detritus zooming around with gay abandon in eccentric orbits, just lying in wait for an unsuspecting victim to smash into an make their day.  NASA claimed to track all of them, but everyone knew that anything smaller than a half-centimeter fragment didn’t show up on the scans, and since the last disaster that had taken out the Russian Space Station when an out-of-control automated supply vessel had rammed it at seventeen thousand miles an hour, there were now another few zillion pieces of space junk out for revenge.
As we arced over into our initial orbit path, I called the station, just to see if they were awake.
“Bravo-one-niner, shuttle papa-vickot-ten-ten in the grove, request attachment.”  Up here, static was a thing of the past, what with digital everything controlling everything and everybody, twenty-four-seven, fifty-two.  The silence was absolute, as most of the communication these days was computer to computer.  Human beings very much played a supporting role to the machines, because the sheer economics of commercialized Space dictated the lowest cost option wherever possible.  The only reason slugs like me and a very few others had a gig at all is that the automatics couldn’t launch on demand yet, because the requirement didn’t pay enough!
Even my docking would be automated, with me sitting in the seat like so much baggage, because if the truth be known, very few people at the top trusted human beings to do more than take out the garbage, which is what my trip was all about.  Radioactive waste back to an earth station for reprocessing, something the big boys didn’t want anywhere near their precious automated space planes and shuttles.
Which defied logic, if you think about it, if you don’t trust someone why give them the worst possible cargo to do with what they liked?
I could sell it to terrorists, make a bomb with it, drop it on a few million heads as I streamed in to land, the possibilities were endless, my imagination ran riot for a few seconds, until a dull mechanical voice cut into my musings.
“Shuttle papa-vickot-ten-ten you are locked on, docking time zero-niner-four-five, track Blue-seven, confirm dead hands?”
“Papa-vicktor-ten-ten affirmative,” I replied, holding my gloved hands up to the constant scanner every ship had as a matter of course.  In this game you were on camera one hundred percent of the time, no exceptions, because in Space you were as trusted only as far as they could see you!
In the distance, the silver blob that was “Brizillianwax” flared into view as the Sun pushed up over the Earth’s horizon.  On my heads-up display a long blue line showed my path to the landing bay, so all I had to do now was sit back and relax, and pretend to enjoy the scenery.
I started to think about how to change the pattern that was inexorably swallowing my options as each minute ticked down.  I had applied for a thousand jobs, all through the highly computerized systems that now controlled everyone’s future, but had only had the one reply.
And a very short one at that.  Face to face via a secure video link tomorrow morning at ten hundred hours, my side to be from a physical location that I could only reach by surface airtrain with a lot of effort.  This in itself suggested a perchance for security, and an almost complete lack of understanding about surface conditions on the Earth at the moment, because since the North Koreans had gone ballistic, literally, over one third of the world was uninhabitable, for around the next twenty five thousand years, or so we were told.
The comms booth was in the middle of Australia, which was fortunate, because my destination with my highly radioactive and publicity-shy load was the Gibber Desert, where a massive decontamination and storage facility had been built, to deal with cargos exactly like mine.
From the landing and deco area the video booth was a three-hour train ride, and luckily I could take an “on-demand” airtrain and get there before the appointed time providing everything in the next four house went to plan.
On my HUD the space station loomed like a big bright ball of fire, and around it I could see a frenzy of activity as Russian, Chinese, French, Iranian, USA and Indian pods, rockets, and space planes docked and undocked, in an orchestrated electronic ballet beyond any human ability to control.  The tolerances were just too tight, again driven by pure economics, because now more than ever before, the more you could do in the least amount of time, while minimizing your energy spend, the more dollars fell straight to the bottom line.
If you were at the right place on Earth, you could see a continuous line of flaming space craft entering the atmosphere a few minutes apart, splitting off at the last moment to their ultimate destinations like a fiery line of invaders, leaving their twin sonic booms far behind as they burnt up the sky.
The problem the Earth faced was too many people, even though over three billion had died during the “Peninsular War”, as it was euphemistically called, compared to the volume of arable land used to produce food from.
Since the oceans had caught up with our stupidity in mismanaging climate change, nearly half of the worlds food basket was now under water, creating an economic and social pressure on the rest of the world like never before.  50 sq. meters of dry land sold for over a million new dollars, turning the majority of people into tenants and wage-slaves.
Which was why Space had become so important, so quickly, because it had been discovered back in the twenties that seed crops in hydroponic systems under zero gee or micro gravity could produce sixteen times their yield by volume in one tenth of the time that they could manage on Earth. So a whole new economy based on getting up to and back from massive space stations had evolved in less than thirty years, to the point where what little land was left down on Earth either had reclamation infrastructure, space infrastructure, or was radioactive.
In front of me, a giant arm suddenly reached out, and in-between puffs from my nose thrusters, locked onto my docking ring.  In less than a minute we were attached, and three minutes after that, I felt the thud and jar of the pressure equalization process, and my instruments told me that ten tons of wasted radioactive material was being stacked in my cargo space.  Then just as suddenly, the arm extended and pushed me down and out into the departing stream of vessels, letting me free-fall into a deorbit path.
The beauty of Space in many ways was the fact that any residual momentum you picked up tended to stay with you, so crazy as it might sound, when the arm threw me away from the station, the energy it imparted actually gave me both directional and attitudinal thrust, so all I had to do to get into the slot was burn my thrusters to roll over, then spin into a bottom down attitude, presenting my heat shield to the atmosphere still a hundred miles below.
We had made great strides in energy management in the last twenty odd years, so when I started to burn up entering the denser atmosphere, the heat would produce a quantum of energy that would be stored in my engine loops, to be used on the next flight.  This technique didn’t give me back 100%, the Laws of Thermodynamics saw to that, but it did cut my costs down, and if I balanced it out just right, and maintained the highest possible trajectory inbound, I could actually maximize what energy I collected, and more than one pilot had skipped off the atmosphere and out back out into space trying to do just that!
I managed to fly a fairly decent profile, and as I swung over the Great Bight into the landing pattern I saw that I had recovered around forty three percent of my loop, so now I had enough fuel for just over two more trips before I headed off to the knackers yard.  Of course, the ablative shield would not last that long, that was the price you paid for being clever.
Always a balancing act between what was really possible verses my dreams!
I followed a very large military vessel down that was still throwing off bits of burning heat shield like so many firecrackers, landed parallel to it on the massive desert floor, powered down, and then waited for the tug to collect me.  Did I mention the only reason I was on board was to act as the safety backup?  So little to do, and all that skill I had accumulated over the years, what a waste.  But this was Life, as we knew it in the mid twenty first century, so I looked forward to my impending train trip, and video call.
Who knows?  Might be something interesting, might keep me out of the knackers yard, or it might just waste a day of my Life.
As the tug pulled me across the desert floor, I felt sad for myself and the rest of the human race, because we really had put ourselves into a negative position, will all our technology and robots.  We had willingly given our power away to a few, and not paid attention to the fine print.  And now we were but bit players in our own stories.
We jerked to a stop, and a long stained yellow walkway concertinaed out to the side of my plane, the invitation clear.
Time to go.

The airtrain trundled across the desert floor on a cushion of electromagnetic energy, dampened inside the cabin, thankfully, so my insides didn’t want to continually meet with my outsides.  Two other passengers enjoyed the blurred view, neither of them talkative, for which I was eternally thankful.  As a space pilot, I only had to communicate with the robots, and then only to get permission to takeoff or arrive somewhere.  Social chitchat was definitely not my strong point.
I opened my lapad, looking for news about the trash hauling business, hoping against hope that a contract would turn up big enough to keep me out of the knackers yard.  Nothing new.  I looked for news about space piloting in general, nothing but a bunch of blogs bemoaning the demise of human participation, much in favor of the automation and robotic trend that was now nearly one hundred years long.
I swiped to the general news section, got really involved in an argument between Brazil and the US, over who had the best technology for Space elevators, given that the 12 year old inventor was a Brazilian, the first five elevators had been built in Brazil, and Brazil exported the other four elevators that were erected in other countries.  Kind of made the argument redundant, just like Space pilots!
I swiped up the ad I had responded to, and tried to divine why they needed so much security for the interview.  After all, most communication between people these days was from pad to pad, and as secure as technology could make it given about six billion people were all using the same link at the same time.  Security remained firmly inside your own head, an illusion you generated and held onto for deal Life to navigate through the technological mess we now called our world.  But it was well known that several very large corporates - VLC’s for short, they ran the Earth and near Planets now - maintained at great expense private call booths around the world for really secure communications between their very senior executives, given that information or data was still the gold currency and just about anyone could hack anything these days, or could find someone who could for a song.
The airtrain arrived with a jerk, reminding us that anything mechanical still had a mind of its own, so I waited until the other passengers moved out the door, then followed.  The terminal was all stained glass and nusteel, giving the impression of a laboratory mixed with a pizza parlor, and as I moved onto the moving walkway, I noticed how few people there were, given that this was supposedly the most populated location for a thousand kilometers in any direction.  Robots and machines were everywhere, trucking cargo, cleaning the walls, and just being obsequious.
The comms booth reared up at the end of the walkway, resplendent in a 3D flashing logo, announcing the superiority of “Genesis Transportation”, the “future of mankind in Space”.  Nothing like a little modesty to start your day.
I pushed my ID through the scanner, put my right eye to another scanner, then my left hand on a third scanner, then stood still, as a booth-style full body scanner passed up and down me, rotating ever so slowly, with just a hint of menace.  Amazing how threatening a passive robot could be just by looking at you with little flashing LED’s.
A door hissed open, and behind me a very solid wall rose up out of the floor, and as I approached the screen wall, the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck started to tingle, feeling the effects of the sonic radiation from the EMP field.
I sat down.
The screen flashed up the “Genesis Transportation” logo.
Then a grey-hair swam into focus, dressed in a military uniform of some description, high collar hiding a floppy neckline.
“Yes, sir.”  Couldn’t help myself, nice wasn’t my strong suite, any more than good manners were, but the animal in me deep down recognized the military posture, and responded almost automatically.  Pavlovian training will do that to you.
“Currently between contracts, vessel owned by Cirius Corp, sufficient fuel for two trips, ablative heat shield for one.”
This time my forebrain took control, and I just stared at the image, with what I hoped was casual distain, but on the other side probably looked like a chastised puppy dog.  They had the dope, to the second, which meant they had an eye or two on me, and usually that meant you were either slated for a messy unsolved death, or an equally messy job, and then an unsolved death!
“We have a proposition for you.  We want you to take a cargo out to the Lagrange-four point between Earth and Mars, transfer it to a second vessel, and then return to Earth.  Your ship is being upgraded and repaired as we speak, new heat shield, some navigation mods, engine upgrade, and the cargo will be loaded and sealed before you leave here, and we will pay you one thousand new dollars a day, point to point, including today.  You may have a small cargo to bring back, you will be informed of that at the transfer point.  If you do have cargo, we will require you to land it at a nominated destination that we will give you enroute.”
I looked at the image, checked the facial features for any signs of deception, but to truthful, his face was so wrinkled and scarred he could be telling me anything and I wouldn’t have a clue if it were true or otherwise.  What I had going for me was the trouble they had taken to hold this conversation in the first place, and the fact that it was me, a complete nobody, they were having it with.  Meant only one of two things.  Totally illegal death-by-association cargo, or top-secret military activity outside the normal government and corporate channels.
Either way, my survival chances had plummeted to below zero, not the least problem being I was trapped inside a technology coffin with no way out if that was what they decided.  My defeatist thinking must have leaked through my face, because suddenly the figure on the other end of the call leaned slightly forward, creating the impression he was falling out of the screen.
“You personally security is guaranteed, we have posted a million dollar bond with the Council, and a full transcript of this transaction will be held in camera for your use should you ever need it.  We want you to come back, and we need you to be willing to repeat the job if we need it.”  The hairs on the back of my neck were now standing so straight it was like I had a fur collar running across my shoulders, because as I have mentioned previously, the only reason a human was employed for anything to do with Space was as a backup to the automatic systems, to ensure a valuable cargo got to where it was supposed to go.  Humans being the least costly alternative, of course.
“Thank you.” I rose to leave, but the top of the metallic screen support opened up, blocking my exit.
“You need to take this with you.”  A blue bag about the size of half a body rose up out of the floor, accompanied by a shiny new uniform wrapped in plastic.  The “Genesis Transportation” logo was hard to miss, as was the beam weapon sitting on top of the bag.  I look back up at the image, forming a question, but before I could ask, the husky voice jumped all over my confusion.
“Temporary duty as a GT Captain, when you get back you will have the choice of signing on full time, or going back to adhoc cargo hauling.  We have fitted your shuttle with some communications equipment that requires a GT ID, so we will be in communication with you out and back.  Any questions?”  Only a million, I though to myself, marveling that such a one-sided conversation could change my Life so thoroughly, and so fast.
“Charts, route planning, timing?” I croaked, finally getting my dry mouth to function.
“In your shuttle, call me when you get the navigation package.”  The image dissolved back into the three dimensional logo of Genesis, the screen support folded back on itself, so I stripped my coveralls off, and put on the cleanest and neatest set of clothing I had seen in ten years.  Pushed the gun into its holster, and slung the blue bag across one shoulder.
In for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying goes, and with no regrets but a ton of unanswered questions fighting for time in my slightly befuddled Mind, I walked back to the airtrain terminus, to find one waiting for me, completely empty, and started the lonely journey back to my shuttle.

Room for Humans

The airtrain trundled across the desert floor on a cushion of electromagnetic energy, dampened inside the cabin, thankfully, so my insides didn’t want to continually meet with my outsides.  Two other passengers enjoyed the blurred view, neither of them talkative, for which I was eternally thankful.  As a space pilot, I only had to communicate with the robots, and then only to get permission to takeoff or arrive somewhere.  Social chitchat was definitely not my strong point.
I opened my lapad, looking for news about the trash hauling business, hoping against hope that a contract would turn up big enough to keep me out of the knackers yard.  Nothing new.  I looked for news about space piloting in general, nothing but a bunch of blogs bemoaning the demise of human participation, much in favor of the automation and robotic trend that was now nearly one hundred years long.
I swiped to the general news section, got really involved in an argument between Brazil and the US, over who had the best technology for Space elevators, given that the 12 year old inventor was a Brazilian, the first five elevators had been built in Brazil, and Brazil exported the other four elevators that were erected in other countries.  Kind of made the argument redundant, just like Space pilots!
I swiped up the ad I had responded to, and tried to divine why they needed so much security for the interview.  After all, most communication between people these days was from pad to pad, and as secure as technology could make it given about six billion people were all using the same link at the same time.  Security remained firmly inside your own head, an illusion you generated and held onto for deal Life to navigate through the technological mess we now called our world.  But it was well known that several very large corporates - VLC’s for short, they ran the Earth and near Planets now - maintained at great expense private call booths around the world for really secure communications between their very senior executives, given that information or data was still the gold currency and just about anyone could hack anything these days, or could find someone who could for a song.
The airtrain arrived with a jerk, reminding us that anything mechanical still had a mind of its own, so I waited until the other passengers moved out the door, then followed.  The terminal was all stained glass and nusteel, giving the impression of a laboratory mixed with a pizza parlor, and as I moved onto the moving walkway, I noticed how few people there were, given that this was supposedly the most populated location for a thousand kilometers in any direction.  Robots and machines were everywhere, trucking cargo, cleaning the walls, and just being obsequious.
The comms booth reared up at the end of the walkway, resplendent in a 3D flashing logo, announcing the superiority of “Genesis Transportation”, the “future of mankind in Space”.  Nothing like a little modesty to start your day.
I pushed my ID through the scanner, put my right eye to another scanner, then my left hand on a third scanner, then stood still, as a booth-style full body scanner passed up and down me, rotating ever so slowly, with just a hint of menace.  Amazing how threatening a passive robot could be just by looking at you with little flashing LED’s.
A door hissed open, and behind me a very solid wall rose up out of the floor, and as I approached the screen wall, the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck started to tingle, feeling the effects of the sonic radiation from the EMP field.
I sat down.
The screen flashed up the “Genesis Transportation” logo.
Then a grey-hair swam into focus, dressed in a military uniform of some description, high collar hiding a floppy neckline.
“Yes, sir.”  Couldn’t help myself, nice wasn’t my strong suite, any more than good manners were, but the animal in me deep down recognized the military posture, and responded almost automatically.  Pavlovian training will do that to you.
“Currently between contracts, vessel owned by Cirius Corp, sufficient fuel for two trips, ablative heat shield for one.”
This time my forebrain took control, and I just stared at the image, with what I hoped was casual distain, but on the other side probably looked like a chastised puppy dog.  They had the dope, to the second, which meant they had an eye or two on me, and usually that meant you were either slated for a messy unsolved death, or an equally messy job, and then an unsolved death!
“We have a proposition for you.  We want you to take a cargo out to the Lagrange-four point between Earth and Mars, transfer it to a second vessel, and then return to Earth.  Your ship is being upgraded and repaired as we speak, new heat shield, some navigation mods, engine upgrade, and the cargo will be loaded and sealed before you leave here, and we will pay you one thousand new dollars a day, point to point, including today.  You may have a small cargo to bring back, you will be informed of that at the transfer point.  If you do have cargo, we will require you to land it at a nominated destination that we will give you enroute.”
I looked at the image, checked the facial features for any signs of deception, but to truthful, his face was so wrinkled and scarred he could be telling me anything and I wouldn’t have a clue if it were true or otherwise.  What I had going for me was the trouble they had taken to hold this conversation in the first place, and the fact that it was me, a complete nobody, they were having it with.  Meant only one of two things.  Totally illegal death-by-association cargo, or top-secret military activity outside the normal government and corporate channels.
Either way, my survival chances had plummeted to below zero, not the least problem being I was trapped inside a technology coffin with no way out if that was what they decided.  My defeatist thinking must have leaked through my face, because suddenly the figure on the other end of the call leaned slightly forward, creating the impression he was falling out of the screen.
“You personally security is guaranteed, we have posted a million dollar bond with the Council, and a full transcript of this transaction will be held in camera for your use should you ever need it.  We want you to come back, and we need you to be willing to repeat the job if we need it.”  The hairs on the back of my neck were now standing so straight it was like I had a fur collar running across my shoulders, because as I have mentioned previously, the only reason a human was employed for anything to do with Space was as a backup to the automatic systems, to ensure a valuable cargo got to where it was supposed to go.  Humans being the least costly alternative, of course.
“Thank you.” I rose to leave, but the top of the metallic screen support opened up, blocking my exit.
“You need to take this with you.”  A blue bag about the size of half a body rose up out of the floor, accompanied by a shiny new uniform wrapped in plastic.  The “Genesis Transportation” logo was hard to miss, as was the beam weapon sitting on top of the bag.  I look back up at the image, forming a question, but before I could ask, the husky voice jumped all over my confusion.
“Temporary duty as a GT Captain, when you get back you will have the choice of signing on full time, or going back to adhoc cargo hauling.  We have fitted your shuttle with some communications equipment that requires a GT ID, so we will be in communication with you out and back.  Any questions?”  Only a million, I though to myself, marveling that such a one-sided conversation could change my Life so thoroughly, and so fast.
“Charts, route planning, timing?” I croaked, finally getting my dry mouth to function.
“In your shuttle, call me when you get the navigation package.”  The image dissolved back into the three dimensional logo of Genesis, the screen support folded back on itself, so I stripped my coveralls off, and put on the cleanest and neatest set of clothing I had seen in ten years.  Pushed the gun into its holster, and slung the blue bag across one shoulder.
In for a penny, in for a pound, as the saying goes, and with no regrets but a ton of unanswered questions fighting for time in my slightly befuddled Mind, I walked back to the airtrain terminus, to find one waiting for me, completely empty, and started the lonely journey back to my shuttle.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

automation, computers, the future, and mankind

The day started like any other, cold shower, soggy toast, luke warm coffee, all the things that reminded me of why I did what I did.
As I punched up through the stratosphere, heading for the LEO waystation known as “Brizillianwax” because of its shiny bald backside that always pointed at the Sun, I wondered for the hundredth time how to break the cycle – work, too little pay, Life, too many expenses!
I had enough fuel for one and a half trips, and then that was it – have to sell the rig for what ever I could get, and slink off into the sunset like so many before me.
The commercial Space market had offered so much promise at the start, big NASA contracts, satellite launches worth millions, in-orbit repair and maintenance, the outer worlds were our oyster!
Then some twelve year old had invented the Space Elevator, and suddenly getting stuff up and down cost less than a $1 a pound, and all us “early adopters” who had mortgaged ourselves to the hilt buying reusable rockets and space vehicles were faced with a continual discount race just to stay alive.
This trip was a classic example – SMS in the middle of the night, open contract, 5 minutes to bid, lowest bid wins, no guarantee of anything other than a full load back down and a depressingly small payment on survival.
As the rocket motors cut off, and weightlessness settled into the cramped cockpit like a foggy blanket, I searched the near sky for anything radiating in any bandwidth.
One of the joys of Low Earth Orbit flying was the sheer volume of detritus zooming around with gay abandon in eccentric orbits, just lying in wait for an unsuspecting victim to smash into an make their day.  NASA claimed to track all of them, but everyone knew that anything smaller than a half-centimeter fragment didn’t show up on the scans, and since the last disaster that had taken out a Russian Space Station when an out-of-control automated supply vessel had rammed it at seventeen thousand miles an hour, there were now another few zillion pieces of space junk out for revenge.
As we arced over into our initial orbit path, I called the station, just to see if they were awake.
“Bravo-one-niner, shuttle papa-vickot-ten-ten in the grove, request attachment.”  Up here, static was a thing of the past, what with digital everything controlling everything and everybody, twenty-four-seven, fifty-two.  The silence was absolute, as most of the communication these days was computer to computer.  Human beings very much played a supporting role to the machines, because the sheer economics of commercialized Space dictated the lowest cost option wherever possible.  The only reason slugs like me and a very few others had a gig at all is that the automatics couldn’t launch on demand yet, because the requirement didn’t pay enough!  And sometimes a specific cargo warranted the extra expense of a human watch-dog as a back up – to prevent further economic loss, you understand, not for anything positive!
Even my docking would be automated, with me sitting in the seat like so much baggage, because if the truth be known, very few people at the top trusted human beings to do more than take out the garbage, which is what my trip was all about.  Radioactive waste back to an earth station for reprocessing, something the big boys didn’t want anywhere near their precious automated space planes and shuttles.
Which defied logic, if you think about it, if you don’t trust someone why give them the worst possible cargo to do with what they liked?
I could sell it to terrorists, make a bomb with it, drop it on a few million heads as I streamed in to land, the possibilities were endless, my imagination ran riot for a few seconds, until a dull mechanical voice cut into my musings.
“Shuttle papa-vickot-ten-ten you are locked on, docking time zero-niner-four-five, track Blue-seven, confirm dead hands?”
“Papa-vicktor-ten-ten affirmative,” I replied, holding my gloved hands up to the constant scanner every ship had as a matter of course.  In this game you were on camera one hundred percent of the time, no exceptions, because in Space you were as trusted only as far as they could see you!
In the distance, the silver blob that was “Brizillianwax” flared into view as the Sun pushed up over the Earth’s horizon.  On my heads-up display a long blue line showed my path to the landing bay, so all I had to do now was sit back and relax, and pretend to enjoy the scenery.
I started to think about how to change the pattern that was inexorably swallowing my options as each minute ticked down.  I had applied for a thousand jobs, all through the highly computerized systems that now controlled everyone’s future, but had only had the one reply.
And a very short one at that.  Face to face via a secure video link tomorrow morning at ten hundred hours, my side to be from a physical location that I could only reach by surface airtrain with a lot of effort.  This in itself suggested a perchance for security, and an almost complete lack of understanding about surface conditions on the Earth at the moment, because since the North Koreans had gone ballistic, literally, over one third of the world was uninhabitable, for around the next twenty five thousand years, or so we were told.
The comms booth was in the middle of Australia, which was fortunate, because my destination with my highly radioactive and publicity-shy load was the Gibber Desert, where a massive decontamination and storage facility had been built, to deal with cargos exactly like mine.
From the landing and deco area the video booth was a three-hour train ride, but luckily I could take an “on-demand” airtrain and get there before the appointed time providing everything in the next four house went to plan.
On my HUD the space station loomed like a big bright ball of fire, and around it I could see a frenzy of activity as Russian, Chinese, French, Iranian, American and Indian pods, rockets, and space planes docked and undocked, in an orchestrated electronic ballet beyond any human ability to control.  The tolerances were just too tight, again driven by pure economics, because now more than ever before, the more you could do in the least amount of time, while minimizing your energy spend, the more dollars fell straight to the bottom line.
If you were at the right place on Earth, you could see a continuous line of flaming space craft entering the atmosphere a few minutes apart, splitting off at the last moment to their ultimate destinations like a fiery line of invaders, leaving their twin sonic booms far behind as they burnt up the sky.
The problem the Earth faced was way too many people, even though over three billion had died during the “Peninsular War”, as it was euphemistically called, compared to the volume of arable land used to produce food from.
Since the oceans had caught up with our stupidity in mismanaging climate change, nearly half of the worlds food basket was now under water, creating an economic and social pressure on the rest of the world like never before.  50 sq. meters of dry land sold for over a million new dollars, turning the majority of people into tenants and wage-slaves.
Which was why Space had become so important, so quickly, because it had been discovered back in the twenties that seed crops in hydroponic systems under zero gee or micro gravity could produce sixteen times their yield by volume in one tenth of the time that they could manage on Earth. So a whole new economy based on getting up to and back from massive space stations had evolved in less than thirty years, to the point where what little land was left down on Earth either had reclamation infrastructure, space infrastructure, or was radioactive.
In front of me, a giant arm suddenly reached out, and in-between puffs from my nose thrusters, locked onto my docking ring.  In less than a minute we were attached, and three minutes after that, I felt the thud and jar of the pressure equalization process, and my instruments told me that ten tons of wasted radioactive material was being stacked in my cargo space.  Then just as suddenly, the arm extended and pushed me down and out into the departing stream of vessels, letting me free-fall into a deorbit path.
The beauty of Space in many ways was the fact that any residual momentum you picked up tended to stay with you, so crazy as it might sound, when the arm threw me away from the station, the energy it imparted actually gave me both directional and attitudinal thrust, so all I had to do to get into the slot was burn my thrusters to roll over, then spin into a bottom down attitude, presenting my heat shield to the atmosphere still a hundred miles below.
We had made great strides in energy management in the last twenty odd years, so when I started to burn up entering the denser atmosphere, the heat would produce a quantum of energy that would be stored in my engine loops, to be used on the next flight.  This technique didn’t give me back 100%, the Laws of Thermodynamics saw to that, but it did cut my costs down, and if I balanced it our just right, and maintained the highest possible trajectory inbound, I could actually maximize what energy I collected, and more than one pilot had skipped off the atmosphere and out back out into space trying to do just that!
I managed to fly a fairly decent profile, and as I swung over the Great Bight into the landing pattern I saw that I had recovered around forty three percent of my loop, so now I had enough fuel for just over two more trips before I headed off to the knackers yard.  Of course, the ablative shield would not last that long, that was the price you paid for being clever.
Always a balancing act between what was really possible verses what I dreamed up in my graying head!
I followed a very large military vessel down that was still throwing off bits of burning heat shield like so many firecrackers, landed parallel to it on the massive desert floor, powered down, and then waited for the tug to collect me.  Did I mention the only reason I was on board was to act as the safety backup?  So little to do, and all that skill and knowledge I had accumulated over the years, what a waste.  But this was Life, as we knew it in the mid twenty first century, so I looked forward to my impending train trip, and video call.
Who knows?  Might be something interesting, might keep me out of the knackers yard, or it might just waste a day of my Life.
As the tug pulled me across the desert floor, I felt sad for myself and the rest of the human race, because we really had put ourselves into a negative position, will all our technology and robots.  We had willingly given our power away to a few iconoclastic figureheads, and not paid attention to the fine print.  And now we were but bit players in everyone else’s stories.
We jerked to a stop, and a long stained yellow walkway concertinaed out to the side of my plane, the invitation clear.
Time to go.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Space, Under 25's, and Face to Face

This last week has been a boon for learning, as I shared in some recent research results, had a chance to meet some new and exciting people, watched with bated breath as Elon Musk challenged Space, and I caught up on Skype with my friend Mike, after a 3 week hiatus.
The first part of the week was absorbed with the under under 25's, and a new concept called "continuous interrupted attention syndrome", which as well as looking like a double oxymoron, spells a dark future for the marketing and education sectors.  In simplistic terms, this research shows that unless you have engaged young people at three or more continuous levels, you will not hold their attention.  The seven second window has shrunk to three, and the six-clicks per page to four.
The convergence of "screens", where smart phones and tablets have disrupted laptops, desktops and TV's, has created a society of blistering thumbs and fragmented Minds.
This will only get worse as more and more people enter this generation, as it moves through its growth cycle.  As computer game consoles become TV's and computers, and everything moves to the smart phone and tablet, concentration will be challenged as never before.  Already geospatial data is providing a means of targeting people by linking their location to commercial opportunities, in Real Time.
When you look behind this activity, you see very few companies at work - in fact, you see two giant mechanisms slowly but surely grinding away our ability to have free and open discussions and choices about this whole technology catastrophe.
Google wants to control all our personal data, and use it for marketing every product in the world.
Facebook wants to dominate our social attitudes and data, and market every product in the world to us.
On the economic front, a battle that was lost to the tech giants a decade ago, you have several entities with enough wealth to save the whole of Europe from their dire financial woes.  But the money these entities generate doesn't go for social benefits, it goes for acquisitions and the unashamed growth of more power and control.
Which brings me to Elon Musk, a man I admire greatly.  Perhaps a little less after his post-landing speech, but never-the-less he is working on alternative power generation, electric vehicles, and getting Man back into Space on a regular and relative economic basis - all on his own dime.  It's just a pity that at the moment of his crowing achievement, the successful splash-landing of the Dragon after nine days attached to the Space Station, the first words out of his mouth were, "....and now we can reduce the number of people in the control room, and make more things automatic!"
The nice people I met were an interview panel with whom I spent an engaging hour, following a five AM start, drive to the airport, two and half hour flight, one hour bus trip, half hour walk, one hour train trip, and finally a thirty minute walk - all in drizzling rain!
It is refreshing to meet people full of energy and vision, keen to learn, open to discussion, and aware that the only difference behind all those corporate doors out there are the people that work there.
All the automation, electronification, technologification, and planetary noise in the world cannot replace the energy and wonder of a single pure thought, a new idea, or a fresh approach.  Our Minds are what create our present and future, and allow us to navigate the rapids of Life.  It is such a pity that we are so willing and able to delegate so much of our thinking and discretionary decision making to machines.  They were supposed to free us, but everywhere I look, I see technology slaves grinding away at virtual relationships.
Mike suggested I write this blog, on the basis of face-to-face, a fleeting observation we have both made at one time or another, about most people's aversion to actually meet someone in the flesh, rather than text or call.
My own daughters would SMS or email 98% of the time, the only calls they make or receive being those to and from their parents.
In our race to be efficient, free, and mobile, we are losing the ability to interact with each other and socialise as people.
When you consider the energy required to keep up on Facebook, Twit everything that occurs to you, and thumb-talk in-between happenings, where is the Time to look around you, and actually "see" and experience the world?
Virtual Reality is here to stay, and unfortunately for our creative spirit, it is a more comfortable existence than reality, and I believe that as more and more of us flee the real world for the imagined, we will lose our ability to cope with the environmental changes that threaten our existence, and the social problems that are growing up around us at an exponential and alarming rate.
I love people, I love helping people to do more than they every expected of themselves, and I love the look on someone's face when they realise that have achieved something unique (to them).  There is nothing more powerful in the world than a Smile from the Heart, acknowledging the success of the Mind or the Spirit.
I understand Elon's drive to make Space commercially affordable, and I understand the need to reduce processes and people in that equation.  I just wish he had used a different time and place to state the obvious.  He succeeded because his eighteen hundred people and the thousands of others in third party relationships produced their best work, combining to create a magnificent achievement - perhaps the next "small step" for Mankind.
That is what we should celebrate.
And I am.
See you in the Real World?