What follows, chapter by chapter, is everything we have learned about human behavior and performance. We have linked everything to the most essential ingredient we believe makes anything possible - making Peace.
At the dawn of the twenty first century, even given all the remarkable progress that has been made in the last two thousand years, there is still one outstanding ability that we have yet to master.
And that is the ability to make Peace.
Peace with ourselves.
Peace with our family.
Peace with our neighbours.
Peace with our society.
Peace with our community.
Peace with our environment.
Peace with our country.
Peace with our God.
The obvious questions are two fold – why should we make Peace – and why can’t we make Peace.
This book attempts to offer suggestions and stimulus on both, with a strong bent towards fostering the understanding of the tremendous personal power that can be had free for the asking, just by Making Peace with yourself and those important to you.
Later chapters deal specifically with developing, understanding, and using your personal power to make Peace. The trick is to discover exactly where Making Peace fits in with your future.
Making Peace is not hard, anyone can do it. But it does take a certain determination and courage to fly in the face of modern Behaviour. A “state of controlled rage” has almost become the norm in most modern societies, with governments and ruling bodies dedicated to conflict creation and political mediocrity, in the oldest dodge since Time began – divide and conquer, keep the People ignorant, and the power in the hands of “those best suited to managing it”.
Average is good, political correctness is better, and never let a good idea rise above the cynicism of the general masses.
In fact, let Peace not reign over the Land, lest the People really be happy, and don’t need us (the Power Brokers) to sort everything out.
You can defeat all these bitter, energy-wasting attitudes simply by Making Peace. But you first have to understand the permanent damage not being at Peace does to your system, and the consequences of living under stress, or in a stressful environment.
This is a dual discussion – with you as an Individual, wanting both quality and quantity of Life – and you as a member of any Organization – from two People up in size.
It’s a very simple discussion.
From the Time you are born, until the Time of your death, you are gifted with a certain quantum of Life energy. You can spend this energy wisely, or you can dissipate it wantonly.
And when it’s all boiled down, this would seem to be the most compelling reason for you to make Peace.
You live longer, and you live better.
Longer, and better.
Because Making Peace restores your balance, stops negative energy leaking out of your soul, and enhances all that is good and positive about you. And in a completely free and uniquely synergistically manner, enhances the prospects for Peace with all those around you. You Communicate better, you listen better, you feel better.
For when you live in balance, your quality of Life is dramatically enhanced. You are more aware – alert – sensitive – creative – receptive – and open to the positive stimulus all around you.
People around you can’t help themselves but to enrich your Life through the positive reflection back to you of your enormous positive, Peaceful power.
You’ve read and or heard this from every motivational self-help book, or platform Speaker, Guru, Consultant, Advisor, or Councillor for the last two thousand years.
And if they missed you, then you’ve probably heard this from your parents.
They may not have been as direct as to come right out and say, “You, yes You, make Peace now! And hurry up about it!” In all probability, they were at “war” with themselves, or with you, or with some aspect of their lives, for a lot of the time they spent (or are still spending) with you, and possibly confused the Communication.
So heed the call, and start an infectious process more powerful than the Sun, the Moon, and Stars all put together.
A process that is as old as Time itself, and perfectly reflected in Nature wherever you choose to look.
It’s Time for you to make Peace, and all you need to make Peace, is Time.
Time to reflect, Time to gather your good sense, Time to strike out with a new sense of purpose.
Now is that Time.
And Time is not your enemy. Time is the focusing mechanism by which you bring together all your incredible personal resources to change your Life into that of a Peacemaker.
And even more importantly, when you get right down to it, You, and only You, can make Your Peace with those that You choose to make Peace with. In Your own Time. Starting with You. Now!
Live longer. Live better. Live in Peace.
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