Friday, February 27, 2009

Passion and profit go hand in hand

My daughter, aged 13 years, taught me this lesson.
If you are passionate about what you do, you will always profit from the effort.
Profit is many things, but underlining profit is learning, experience, satisfaction, self-actualization.
She plays the cello and the piano.
Better than I could ever imagine.
She just toured the world in 17 days, playing in Shanghai, Tallinn, Spain, and then debuting in Carnegie Hall.
I was concerned that she didn't have the technique to play at that level.
She probably doesn't.
But everywhere she went, the orchestra she plays with got standing ovations.
You see, they play with heart - with passion - they risk all, and gain everything.
Passion makes profit - think about this as you find the light.
If you would like to further this conversation please contact me at

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