Monday, May 4, 2009

Finding the light Day 1

After lengthy Q&A's via the net, and getting key staff to complete a series of simple cogitative surveys, we suggested that the company consider reviewing three of its key systems and processes used to identify and manage the selling process.
They did.
Invested a few hours, looked hard at the work flow, and changed several steps overnight. They eliminated some uplication, and managed to get key information lower down the communication chain.
Now they are looking at the next step.
They marked the process 8 out of 10, pending a week or so of working the new system to see how it delivers.
But already they believe they are recovering some cents they were previously unaware of, hidden as it was in legacy systemsand old thinking
Stay tuned - you too can find the light, and you too can gain positive outcomes very quickly. As this Client said in an email, "We didn't know what we didn't know, and stupidly, we didn't even know where to look for the answers."
You do -

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