I had an email last night from a company President in NY, asking us how he could change his company dynamics without sacrificing his people. We quickly ran him through our preliminary research filters and we discovered that while his company was in jeopardy, his people might be the solution.
Research carried out around the world for the last 24 years clearly shows that the average small business (Annual Revenue < $20m) has a productivity factor of 74%.
This means that 26% of every dollar spent deriving revenue is either wasted or non-productive.
Systems , processes, and people are chewing up 26c in every dollar spent.
We suggested three simple strategies that the company will implement over the weekend, with a promise to report back daily all next week.
We will share this feedback with you.
What makes a new day?
A new attitude.
Find the light, and you find the way to success and a stress free environment.
If you would like a probono over-the-web assessment of your potential, please email us at nobarriers88@gmail.com
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